Washington County Sheriff's Office





We are pleased to announce that our tax bills are online now just click on the link on the left side of this page to do a tax bill search. When doing an online search it is important that you enter the information correctly. If you are searching by parcel number you must enter the dashes (-) and periods (.) in the appropriate place. If you are searching by name you have to have the name(s) as they appear on the bill. Sometimes it is best to search by the last name only.

Reminder: All delinquent property taxes (for prior years) have been turned over to the Washington County Clerk, you will need to contact that office for a payoff amount and their number is 859-336-5425.


When are my property taxes due?

The Sheriff normally receives the tax bills from the County Clerk sometime between the first through middle of October. By statute, we may not accept tax payments prior to this time. Most taxpayers should anticipate receiving their bills by the 15th of October. The bill will show four different due dates and payment amounts.

What if I haven't received a tax bill?

If you have not received your tax bill within 10 days after initial mailing, please contact our office and a duplicate bill will be sent to you promptly.

Why did I receive this bill?

Tax bills for real estate property are sent to the owner of record as of January 1, or the current owner, according to the records of the Property Valuation Office. If you are not the current owner please call or forward this bill to the owner if possible. If this is not possible, please notify the PVA or the Sheriff's Office as early as possible.

What if I bought or sold the property during this year?

The seller usually pays a pro-rated tax during closing for the portion of the year they owned the property. The buyer is then responsible to pay the entire tax amount when billed. If you are in doubt, refer to your closing settlement statement to see what was agreed upon, these documents are generally prepared by the attorney or bank.

Who do I call if I have questions concerning my bill?

If your question is concerning acreage, assessment questions, name or address is wrong, etc. on the bill, you will need to contact the PVA office at 859-336-5420. Questions concerning payment or not receiving a bill are handled at the Sheriff's Office at 859-336-5400.

What are Homestead and Disability exemptions?

These exemptions can reduce your taxable assessment. The homestead exemption applies to people over 65 who own the home in which they live. The disability exemption applies to people who are 100% disabled and own the home in which they live. In order to get the disability exemption you need to present your "notice of award" letter from Social Security to the PVA Office. If you think you might qualify for either of these exemptions, please contact the PVA at 336-5420.

Paying your bill:

You may pay your bill by check, money order or by cash (if paying in person). Make your check or money order payable to: Washington County Sheriff's Office. If mailing in, even if you have multiple bills; please include the yellow postcard in order to make sure we credit the correct bill(s). You may submit one check for multiple bills, but please make sure you've added all the appropriate amounts correctly so your payment will not be delayed because of returning to you for corrections.

If you want a receipt, when mailing in payment, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope and one will be returned to you. Walk-in customers will be provided a receipt at time of transaction.

Can I send in a partial payment?:

NO. We DO NOT accept any kind of partial payments - they will be mailed back.

Do you accept payments that are postmarked?:

Payments that are postmarked by the due date are accepted. There is a schedule at the bottom of your bill showing the amount that is due, depending on the date your payment is received at the office. As you can see, if your payment is received in the Sheriff's Office by the earliest date shown, you will receive a 2% discount. Please note, the later you wait to pay, the higher the amount due.

What is the latest I can pay my taxes at the Sheriff's Office?:

If tax bills are not paid by the end of business on April 15th, they are turned over to the Washington County Clerk for collection. At that time additional penalties and interest will apply.

To whom do I pay delinquent taxes for prior tax years?:

You have to contact the Washington County Clerk at 859-336-5425 to request a payoff amount for prior year delinquent taxes.

How do I pay my tax bill?

There are two methods of paying your property tax bill.
Mail your tax bill to:
Washington County Sheriff's Office
124 East Main Street
Springfield, KY 40069

Pay in person:
Pay in person at our office or you may put in the drop box after business hours

At this time we DO NOT accept debit or credit cards (due to the fees passed on to taxpayer are quite costly). Nor do we offer any on-line payment options.

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